Thursday, March 3, 2011

southwestern flavah.

i just got back from a family vacation/reunion of sorts to phoenix, az.
um, phoenix is NICE this time of year! i absolutely love the grey skies in the pacific northwest, but to have 5 days of sunshine and 70-degree temps was divine. i absolutely love my family. not perfect, no not at all. but they're great. and i'm thankful for planes trains and automobiles that bring us all together.

with love,

Monday, February 21, 2011


this shot is almost a year old (so, i guess that's kind of cheating the blog's mission... whoops) but i was cleaning out my old files today and couldn't resist. too cute not to share. here's why: a) it's one of my best friends with her little family and b) daddies who enjoy cuddling their babies are awesome.

more current shots to come, soon. (promise.)
with love,

Monday, February 14, 2011

you set my life a whirlin'.

when i least expected it, there he was.
God is full of surprises. i'm humbled and so very thankful.

happy heart day!
with love,

Friday, February 4, 2011

don't give me those eyes.

one of the sweetest little mutts you'd ever, ever meet.
oh, man. i'm a total sucker for good puppydogs.

happiest weekending!
with love,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

counting my blessings instead of sheep.

my cup runneth over. and... air plants are cute.

the end + goodnight. i'm off to count my blessings.

Friday, January 21, 2011

that's what i call breakfast.

waffles. bananas. peppered bacon. real maple syrup.

oh, if only every morning could be filled with these. mmm-mmm.

with love,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

what i miss.

so, hey!
i'm back. and it's a new year. and, yay! life is for living and i'm happy to live it.
realizing how blessed i am these days.

i had fun in new york, but when i stepped off the plane back on the west coast, it was a sigh of relief.
my life in oregon just fits like a glove. and i'm thankful.
it's good to be home, heck yes. but i've got a confession-
i do miss this cat. :)

have a great night. (go ducks!)
with love,