so i'm trying to come up with ways that i can continue to feed the fire of creativity in a season where i use my creativity to put food on the table. my job is AMAZING and i'm honestly so grateful- but being creative on demand...? doesn't that go against everything internal in an artist's heart? (the answer: a resounding yes. :)) to you non-artsy types, let me explain: it's seriously so much about what you feel. and when you feel it, YOU FEEL IT. when you don't, you don't. when you're hired to do this for a living, all that matters are results. which is totally and completely understandable, but the heart part gets a little lost sometimes.
this is my project for the winter, and i'm excited about "feeling" it. looking for inspiration. sharing because i want to. learning and growing. blah blah blah. :)
the rules are simple: the images posted will be b&w photos. mostly of a personal nature. i'll do my best to show/tell you stories- thanks for following along.
with love,